Open Data - working together for an attractive public transport Switzerland.
Open Data is data that a company makes available to third parties for secondary use free of charge and in machine-readable form. What is concerned here is raw data. Interpreting such data is not always easy. The most important key figures and developments are therefore presented on SBB Facts and Figures in a manner which is easier to understand. If you need assistance with categorisation when evaluating raw data, we will be happy to help:
The digitisation of the company opens up new possibilities for developing new business models with innovative information and service offerings from data from companies or public authorities, particularly SBB's data, which are assets of great interest to brokers in the mobility market, information providers, rolling stock manufacturers and infrastructure providers, for example. SBB is therefore making more and more open data available to support creative market participants in the development of new, attractive information and service offerings. All genuine innovations based on high-quality data from SBB ultimately increase the attractiveness of public transport in Switzerland..Customer details are not open data.
SBB considers carefully which data to make accessible to third parties. Only non-critical and non-personal data may ever become open data. Customer details are never passed on to third parties. Retaining customers’ trust is a top priority for SBB and data protection regulations are complied with at all times. Among other things, this means that customer details are always treated with the utmost care and only ever used to benefit customers.